Suco de limão em Jejum

Comecei a tomar o suco de um limão todas as manhãs em jejum desde outubro de 2008 e me sinto muito bem. No início eu espremia o suco de 1 limão num copo e tomava puro, sem água, e não tinha dificuldades em fazer isso.

Ponche quente de limão

Preparação - Em uma panela, coloque todos os ingredientes e mexa. Deixe ferver por alguns minutos e sirva.

Limão e seu poder de cura

O limão é verdadeiramente uma jóia da natureza. Pode ser considerado o rei dos frutos curativos, sendo impressionante a quantidade e variedade das suas aplicações. No entanto, tendemos a repudiá-lo, quando pensamos no seu gosto azedo.

Lemon Pie

Coser en horno moderado la masa brisa dulce forrando un molde redondo de 28 cm. Dejar enfriar Remojar la gelatina en agua fria y disolverla con agua hirviendo. Preparar la crema batiendo las yemas con 200gr. de azúcar y la cáscara rallada de limón .....

Torta Mousse de Limão

Misture os ingredientes com as mãos, apertando bem até ficar uma farofa grossa. Forre uma forma desmontável, apertando bem primeiro dos lados e, depois, no centro. Leve ao forno preaquecido com temperatura média por dez minutos.

Cheese Cake de limão com calda de morangos

Bata no liquidificador o Creme de leite com o Leite Moça, o Requeijão e as raspas de limão até ficar homogêneo. Despeje aos poucos o suco de limão sem parar de bater. Despeje o creme sobre a massa de torta e leve à geladeira até ficar firme.

Composição do limão

Entre os frutos conhecidos e disponíveis, é o que apresenta o mais elevado índice de radioatividade natural e benéfica (85%), sendo seguido pela uva moscatel ácida e pelo ananás (74%). Podemos dizer que existem cerca de 70 variedades.

Onde e como utilizar o limão

O limão é uma fruta bastante benéfica, rica em fósforo, cálcio, ferro, entre outros mineiras, e vitamina C. Tem baixíssimo teor de calorias. A fruta ácida é muito utilizada para quem deseja eliminar aqueles quilinhos a mais.

O limão é um alimento milenarmente enaltecido por suas qualidades. Segundo os ensinamentos da Ayurvédica ele é considerado um grande agente de cura, classificado entre os mais benéficos dos alimentos conhecidos pela humanidade. O homem moderno com sua vida estressante e sedentária, extremamente intoxicado, padece com enfermidades orgânicas e funcionais típicas do século. Para impedir ou prevenir que o organismo fique doente, é necessário alcalinizá-lo (com sais alcalinos), transformando os restos ou resíduos do metabolismo e expelindo-os com mais facilidade. O limão com seus ácidos facilmente transformados em elementos alcalinizantes, contribui poderosamente para eliminar resíduos que, como agora sabemos, são os responsáveis diretos ou indiretos pelas doenças. O uso do limão estimula a produção de carbonatos e bicarbonatos salinos no organismo, promovendo a neutralização da acidez dos líquidos corporais. O consumo diário e regular do limão é profilático e um verdadeiro elixir da longa vida. Esses são apenas alguns aspectos sobre os benefícios do limão. Se você pesquisar mais vai se impressionar com as mil e uma utilidades dessa frutinha poderosa e cheia de luz.

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Lemons - The versatile fruit

Lemons – a fruit with a wonderful fragrance, great in food and beverages, but also very handy for multiple purposes around the home! Lemons have been cultivated by humans for over a thousand years. The fruit is mentioned in tenth century Arabic literature, but was probably first grown in Assam, India. 

Lemons are high in vitamin C, have an anti-bacterial effect and are thought to possess antioxidant and anti-carcinogenic properties. The juice consists of about 5% acid, which also makes them useful for a variety of household purposes. Lemons and/or lemon juice are a popular addition in environmentally friendly cleaning applications. 

Selecting and storing lemons 

The best lemons are those that have smooth, oily skins and are heavy for their size. They should be bright yellow with no green tinges. Lemons will keep for up to a week at room temperature, two to three weeks refrigerated. Lemon zest (peel) can be frozen for months. 

Juicing lemons 

To get the most juice from a lemon, it should be allowed to reach room temperature, or microwaved for a few seconds prior to juicing. Using your palm to roll the lemon on a hard surface can also help improve juice yields. If you only need a little juice, some people pierce the end with a fork, squeeze the amount needed, cover the holes with tape and then store in the fridge. There’s so much more to lemons than just using them in cooking and making lemonade! 

Here’s a selection of handy tips. Remember to test in inconspicuous areas first. 

Ant deterrent 

Pouring lemon juice around areas that ants frequent is said to repel them. 

Air freshener

An equal amount of lemon juice and water added to an atomizer will create a wonderful synthetic chemical-free green air freshener for your home. 

All purpose cleaner 

Again, an equal amount of lemon juice and water added to a spray bottle is an effective kitchen and bathroom cleaner and can also be used on walls (spot test first). 

A small amount of lemon juice can also be added to vinegar based cleaning solutions to help neutralize the smell of the vinegar. 


Heat a bowl of water and lemon slices in your microwave for 30 seconds to a minute; then wipe out the oven. Stains will be easier to remove and old food odors will be neutralized. 


Half a lemon stored in your fridge will help control and eliminate unpleasant smells. 


Rub a lemon juice and baking soda paste onto chrome or copper, rinse and then wipe/buff with a soft cloth or paper towel. 


Mix 1/2 cup borax and a cup of lemon juice for a powerful toilet cleaner that will leave it smelling extra clean! 

Lime scale 

Use a half lemon to clean the lime scale off a sink or taps/faucets; rinse well. 


For bleaching purposes, add 1/2 cup of lemon juice to your washing machine’s rinse cycle and hang clothes outside to dry. A teaspoon of lemon juice thrown into your wash can also help your clothes to smell fresher. 


A teaspoon of lemon juice added to your dishwashing detergent can help boost grease cutting power


Hot lemon juice and baking soda is a good drain cleaner that is safe to use in septic systems. If you have a garbage disposal unit, throw in some lemon peel from time to time while it’s working in order to keep it smelling fresh. 

Chopping boards 

Rub lemon juice into your wooden chopping board, leave overnight and then rinse. Wood chopping boards appear to have anti-bacterial properties anyway, but the lemon will help kill off any remaining nasties and neutralize odors. 

Glass and mirrors 

4 tablespoons of lemon juice mixed with half a gallon of water makes an effective window cleaner. 


Straight lemon juice can be used as a general degreaser. 


2 parts olive oil or cooking oil mixed with 1 part lemon juice makes for an excellent furniture polish!


To lighten hair, dampen it with lemon juice and sit out in the sun for an hour. This does work, I tried it myself. Hey, it was the 80′s! I’ve read that the juice of a lemon mixed with one cup warm water makes for a great hair conditioner. It should be allowed to stay in your hair for a few minutes then washed off. Exercise caution if you have a sensitive scalp. 

Cuts, stings and itches 

A small amount of lemon juice dripped onto minor wounds can help stop bleeding and disinfect the injury (it will sting a bit). Lemon juice applied to itches, poison ivy rashes and wasp stings is said to relieve discomfort. 


The smell of fish can linger on your hands, even after scrubbing with soap – rubbing your hands with lemon juice will neutralize the smell and leave your hands smelling wonderful. Isn’t it incredible how we have so many environmentally harsh cleaning chemicals in our homes when nature already offers most of what we need!

Have some helpful hints for using lemons in and around the home? 

Please add them below!


Lemon Peel

I often use lemon zest in recipes, so I came up with this shortcut. I pat a wet sponge down the inside of my grater before zesting the lemon. The grated peel comes off easily, and cleaning the grater is simpler, too. —
Anna Victoria R., Albuquerque, New Mexico 

I grate lemon peel and freeze it in plastic containers. When needed, I can easily measure it. I also squeeze the lemon juice into ice cube trays and freeze, so I always have it available. —
Annethea Ann Novacek, Greenbush, Minnesota 

To make lemon wheels, use a citrus stripper, large zester or sharp paring knife to make evenly spaced vertical matches around a lemon. Cut the lemon into 1/8-inch slices. Make one cut from the center of each slice through the peel to place over the rim of glass. —
Taste of Home Test Kitchen 

The quickest way to make grated lemon peel for recipes is to slice off big pieces of peel and grind them for just a few seconds in a food processor. —

LaRue H., Safford, Arizona


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